Step out of self-sabotage, Stop Recycling and Carrying the Past Around.

Psychic Deep Emotional Release and Quantum-Theta Energy Healer, James Hyman makes use of Remote Viewing and a simple process of inquiry.

During his powerful, transformational Healing Phone and Skype Sessions, James is helping a person to connect with their own subconscious mind and identify whatever is keeping them blocked or stuck, and release it. 

The Quantum-Theta Healing energy doesn't travel across distance; in the quantum, it's all happening in the now, right here where we are. During your session, James scans whatever matrix is holding the blocked energy or negative pattern; whether the physical body, the energy body, or the consciousness that holds the memory of the past, or the consciousness that holds the memory of the future.

Throughout the session, James is working together with you, making adjustments in the present moment that can actually heal the past and heal the future. Very specific tools are imparted during the session that you can continue to work with for the rest of your life.

For more information, or to reserve time for your transformational healing session, call, text or email, Barbara Hyman, (323) 684-1899, or visit,


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